Day 14: Zanesville, OH to Columbus, OH-- See you on the high ground

Dinner with Col. Yee C. Hang

Dinner with Col. Yee C. Hang

Waffles and yogurt fueled our short ride today (56 miles) into Columbus! It was a gorgeous day— warm and not raining! Over 45 miles of the ride were on the same road, so directions weren’t a problem. That’s going to be more common in the plains, as we are able to beeline across the flat land.

Not a right or left turn in sight

Not a right or left turn in sight

Our lunch was very special today— we met up with Col. Yee C. Hang, who is a fellow cyclist and recent follower of I4K! The team and I are honored to have someone like him supporting us and believing so heartily in our cause.

Lunch with Yee!

Lunch with Yee!

But more than just lunch was special; after we arrived in Columbus, he and his wife brought us dinner, and we spent some time chatting and learning about his service and cycling experiences. And as if he hadn’t done enough, we all received an Army challenge coin: a sign of respect. It’s hard to put into words just how much this means to the team. We are all here to fight cancer and help those who have been affected by it, and between teammates we are always well aware of this. But having someone so honorable seek us out, put in time and effort to show support, and solidify that with such a gift is beyond inspiring. We all agree that the coin is one of the best gifts we’ve ever received. Thank you, Yee, for everything, a million times over!

The challenge coins

The challenge coins

With a real spring in our steps, we spent the rest of the evening exploring Columbus. The nearby park along the Scioto River was stunning in the evening light and some of us ran errands or took photos in the city. Today was, by anyone’s standards, amazing. Tomorrow will be our first century ride, heading into Indiana. I can’t wait to carry these good feelings around tomorrow and every day after that. Here’s to making a difference, to helping others— see you on the high ground.

— Marielle

Our favorite little yellow car

Our favorite little yellow car

Cool!!! Y-shaped bridge!

Cool!!! Y-shaped bridge!

Gibby similarly amazed by the Y-shaped bridge out of Zanesville

Gibby similarly amazed by the Y-shaped bridge out of Zanesville

Our lovely stayover hosts!

Our lovely stayover hosts!

Camden brushing his teeth at our rest stop

Camden brushing his teeth at our rest stop

If you look closely you can see Claire P., Brian, and Sofie

If you look closely you can see Claire P., Brian, and Sofie

Bang showing Rahul, Willard, and Gibby his drone skills

Bang showing Rahul, Willard, and Gibby his drone skills

Gorgeous view from the National Veterans Memorial and Museum

Gorgeous view from the National Veterans Memorial and Museum

Rahul, Sofie, Wllard, Claire P.,Gibby, and Bang

Rahul, Sofie, Wllard, Claire P.,Gibby, and Bang



Hello, Columbus! (Ryan and Sofie)

Hello, Columbus! (Ryan and Sofie)

The back of the challenge coin

The back of the challenge coin