Day 13: Wooster, OH to Zanesville, OH-- Thunder and lightning, very very frightening

Jacob riding into the storm (see the low hanging clouds like smoke from the trees in the distance? so cool and mystical!)

Jacob riding into the storm (see the low hanging clouds like smoke from the trees in the distance? so cool and mystical!)

We rolled out of the Secrest Arboretum this morning thinking we had lots and lots of climbing to do… little did we know, the weather had other plans! Much of the ride was on a wonderful bike path that was shrouded in mist and kept us relatively dry under the tree canopies (so yesterday’s “fingers crossed” worked, in my opinion).

Jacob, Kate, Gibby, and Bang flying!

Jacob, Kate, Gibby, and Bang flying!

A handful of snapping turtles made their way across or along the path as well, and even a couple snakes (not dangerous) made their appearance! The morning was peaceful and fun, with a few hills to keep things interesting and great views in the light/moderate rain.

Aadi cruisin’

Aadi cruisin’

About 47 miles into the ride today we hit a thunderstorm (not really very frightening at all) so we had to call the rest of the ride off. Most of the climbing was in the last 1/2 to 1/3 of the route, so it was both relieving and disappointing to stop. While waiting for the van, we hopped in a diner and got a portrait with a very sweet fellow customer— so, I think the storm was meant to be! As they say, there’s no such thing as a coincidence…

Kate and Gibby seeking shelter in a kind neighbor’s barn (thank you, stranger!)

Kate and Gibby seeking shelter in a kind neighbor’s barn (thank you, stranger!)

Sofie says having two shuttle days within the first two weeks is rare, but of course we can’t control the weather and are doing what’s safe. So, here we are, with another short day! No complaints on my part, especially since we have our first century coming up soon. Though I’m glad we did get some miles in, and I’m sure once we hit Indiana I’ll miss the terrain.

Aadi and Sour

Aadi and Sour

The generosity and hospitality of our stayover tonight is unmatched, especially after a muddy (and horse manure-y) day. We are doing laundry! Heading to bed clean, dry, and full. I’d consider today a success.

More on life tomorrow!

— Marielle

Kate, Bang, Willard, Gibby, Ryan, Brian, and Sofie at our rest stop

Kate, Bang, Willard, Gibby, Ryan, Brian, and Sofie at our rest stop

Me (and a distant Kate) (Thanks, Bang, for the pics!)

Me (and a distant Kate) (Thanks, Bang, for the pics!)

One of six snapping turtles made an appearance in this car advertisement

One of six snapping turtles made an appearance in this car advertisement

We love the moos

We love the moos

Ellie and Maya stuck in buggie traffic

Ellie and Maya stuck in buggie traffic

Almost otherworldly. Thanks Cam for the photo!

Almost otherworldly. Thanks Cam for the photo!

No one has ever looked cooler (Cam and Sour)

No one has ever looked cooler (Cam and Sour)