Joseph Shepin

Joseph Shepin

Hometown: Long Grove, Illinois

Year: Sophomore

Major: Computer Science


Hi my name is Joseph, I'm currently a Sophomore studying computer science at UIUC. When I'm not busy studying, I enjoy working out, playing the viola, and skating with my friends. My favorite physical activities include cycling, weightlifting, street skating, running, and swimming. I'm excited to be a part of the Illini 4k to support this great cause!


I'm excited to be doing the Illini 4k for my friends and family who struggle with cancer, mental health, and other life-altering injuries. The Illini4k is more than a cycling trip, it's a symbol of the strength and resiliency of people and I look forward to taking this message across the entire country this summer. I hope the trip will be a positive inspiration for myself, those around me, and everyone we meet along the way.