Izzy Perpich

Izzy Perpich

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Year: Junior

Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences


Hi! My name is Izzy and I am a Junior studying Speech and Hearing Science. I am from Chicago, IL. I enjoy hiking, exploring nature, going to concerts, playing hockey, riding the train, and cycling! I am passionate about accessible healthcare, sustainability, and queer love. I am stoked to be a part of the 2024 Bike America team!


In my studies of the American healthcare system at the University, I have learned that voices too often are silenced. Many people experience a lack of adequate, accessible care due to socioeconomic status, discrimination, a lack of resources, and other inequitable factors. Undoubtedly, health disparities exist. I believe that with the time that we have, it is necessary to amplify voices. I hope to make a positive impact on those who experience the hardships of cancer by uplifting voices through the Portraits Project.