Vikram Mubayi

Vikram Mubayi

Hometown: Hong Kong

University: University of Illinois

Major: Chemical Engineering


Hi! My name is Vikram Mubayi, I am a senior studying chemical engineering at the University of Illinois. I was born and raised in Hong Kong and I love sports and being outdoors; my mum got me into hiking and tennis pretty much as soon as I learned how to walk. More recently, I decided to try out cycling to do something new during the Covid lockdown, and I have since become a bit obsessed.

After graduating from UIUC, I will have a few months off before I plan to start grad school (hopefully somewhere with a few more hills than Illinois). I am still trying to decide if I want to do my PhD working on the sequestration of CO2, or designing drug delivery systems. While I am deciding, I could think of no better way to spend my last few months before grad school than by cycling 4500 miles across the country with Illini 4000.


Cycling 4000 miles across the country is going to be tough, we are all inevitably going to have good and bad days, but these bad days are nothing compared to what cancer patients have to deal with. Cancer has somehow impacted almost everyone around the world, and I hope to shine a light on some of these stories through the Portrait's Project. I also hope my fundraising and participation in the trip will contribute to cancer research and inspire others to help in the fight against cancer in whatever way they can.