Matthew Hawthorne

Matthew Hawthorne

Hometown: Oak Park, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Computer Science + Econ


Hi everyone! My name is Matt, and I am a 20-year-old student back at school after taking a gap year due to COVID last year. Aside from spending time with my family and my sweetheart dog named Rex, I spent the past year volunteering for a nonprofit in Chicago and a farm in Puerto Rico, working at a ski hostel in Jackson, Wyoming, and taking a cross-country road trip with my best friends. As COVID ravaged the world, I witnessed the impacts it was having on so many different people and communities, especially those that are already vulnerable. These experiences are a main force compelling me to use my time and resources to help others.


Cancer is a disease that affects us all. It is the second-leading cause of death in the United States, and so it is on all of us to do our part in spreading awareness and providing resources towards the struggle against it. As scientific innovations continue developing in the field of cancer research, there has been no better time to get involved and help out. This is why I am riding as part of the Illini 4000 team.