Valerie Shamshyna

Valerie Shamshyna

Hometown: Luhansk, Ukraine

University: University of Illinois

Major: Integrative Biology Honors


Hi everyone! My name is Valerie and I am a senior at University of Illinois in the Integrative Biology Honors program. I was born and grew up in Ukraine before moving to the US at 17, and now I live in Champaign, IL. I am a person of many interests and passions, which is why I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up (some might say I am already grown up but I strongly believe some are wrong). Outside of Illini 4000, I am involved in undergraduate research on our campus in the Fuller lab where we study ecology and evolution of fishes, and also have a part-time job in a plant biology lab. In my free time I enjoy rock climbing, horseback riding, hiking, dancing, baking, walking with my dog, and basically anything that involves being outside in nature. I also occasionally enjoy a video game or two, my favorite ones being fantasy games. Fun fact about me, when I was growing up I wanted to be a writer, then a zoologist, then a musician (?), then a biologist again. I am looking forward to being a part of the Illini 4000 team!


I think for the vast majority of people, whether or not they have been affected by cancer personally, cancer always remains a dark cloud looming somewhere on the horizon. It is one of the most devastating diagnoses a person can receive, and one of the scariest ones for a loved one to have. The reason I joined Illini 4000 is to contribute to the efforts of making this disease less devastating for people struggling with it now, or those who will have to face it in the future.