Willard Sullivan

Willard Sullivan

Hometown: Gaithersburg, Maryland

University: University of Illinois

Major: Electrical Engineering


Greetings! My name is Willard Sullivan, and I am currently a freshman Electrical Engineer at the University of Illinois. Born and raised within thirty miles of Washington D.C., visiting the Smithsonian, riding the Metro Red Line, and eating fresh pastries at the Eastern Market have all become staples of my childhood, with which I was fortunate to share with my strange siblings and fantastic parents. In my free time, I love to bike (surprised?), watch “Seinfeld” and “Curb Your Enthusiasm”, spend time with my friends, family, and my cat, Pumpkin; and build and launch model rockets (I have lost many to the trees). I cannot control myself if I see anything remotely related to space exploration – it is my dream to work on the new era of space technology! I am excited to explore the United States and connect with many wonderful people with the Illini 4000 2020 Team!


I want this trip to serve as a catalyst that will inspire others to join the fight against cancer and other many, horrible diseases that either lack a cure or proper research. Earlier this year, I lost my grandmother, who had a great and profound influence within my family. She was a great inspiration to me and always encouraged me to follow my dreams and passions, and would help me do so whenever she could. With this ride, I want to honor her life and sense of wonder, happiness, and kindness. I want to honor the courageousness of those who must battle diseases and their supportive parties. I want to inspire others to give back and dedicate themselves to a good cause. I want to alleviate the pain that a family endures when a loved one passes away. I am grateful for the opportunity that the Illini 4000 has given me so that I can motivate and educate others to join the fight against cancer and other diseases.