Justin Hauter

Justin Hauter

Hometown: Naperville, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Biomedical Engineering


Hey all! I’m a graduate student at U of I by way of an undergraduate degree from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I absolutely loved Marquette and was involved in everything from Orientation Staff, radio, Greek Life, leadership groups, and service. This past summer, my dad and I took part in RAGBRAI, a 400 mile, week-long bike ride across the state of Iowa and since then I’ve been looking for ways to get more involved in biking. Feeling driven to incorporate my drive to serve others with my love for life long fitness, Illini 4K seemed like a no-brainer!


Marquette University strives to teach students about St. Ignatius’ Jesuit values and their practical application in everyday life. One of my favorite Ignatian values is magis, the Latin word for more or to quote David Fleming, “The Jesuit itch – a restlessness in service, ambition to maintain high standards of performance, a desire to conquer new frontiers. But it simply means more.” In essence, magis asks “how am I called to do more for others?”. By following the Ignatian value of magis, I felt called to be involved in this trip because, like many – I have witnessed first-hand the devastating effects cancer can have on a loved one and think this is an amazing opportunity to do something for the many affected by such a debilitating disease. There are around 7 billion people in the world, meaning that nobody should have to face a sickness on their own. So often we become wrapped up in the whirlwind of our own daily lives that we don’t take the time to consider what those around us are going through. By taking part in the Illini 4000, one is forced to stop and consider others struggles, has the opportunity to hear cancer survivor's amazing stories of perseverance, and is able to provide others with hope in knowing that they will not be fighting alone!