Neeca Penaflor

Neeca Penaflor

Hometown: Des Plaines, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Actuarial Science


Hello! My name is Neeca, and I am from Des Plaines, a northwest suburb of Chicago. I graduated from Elk Grove High School, and now I am a freshman studying Actuarial Science. I was involved in cross country, marching band, and student council so naturally, I joined this amazing organization so I can work in a team setting once again and help kick cancer's butt across the country. I love to make arts and crafts. Some say I am the DIY queen and a Pinterest Addict. I am a firm believer that Target is a trap, but I give in every time. You can find me laughing too hard at bad jokes (sometimes they're my own) and probably eating pizza. I am looking forward to making connections,making an impact on people's lives, and getting the notorious bikers' tan.


I will never forget the sense of helplessness I felt at age 7 when my uncle, who was very close to my family, died of kidney cancer that metastasized to his lungs and spinal cord. I am fortunate enough now at 19 years old to be able to do something about this terrible disease. Unfortunately, there is no organization system big enough to get the entire world to ride 4,000 miles while raising cancer awareness and money so I am riding on behalf of my uncle and the rest of the world. There is nothing on this ride that I will go through that is more difficult than facing the hardships of cancer within a family. I believe that even the smallest things can make a big difference. Now, I know 4,000 miles sounds crazy, but compared to the number of people affected by cancer, those 4,000 miles don't sound so massive anymore.