Tony Siu

Tony Siu

Hometown: Springfield, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Accounting


My name is Tony Siu and I am a recent graduate of the University of Illinois. I am an accounting major and am currently getting my CPA. I was raised in Springfield, IL. I moved around a lot as a child and I think that really contributed a lot to my social abilities. My parents used to own a restaurant in Springfield and working there helped me to meet all different kinds of people. I have a passion for cooking and I also used to play high school football. I believe football helped to shape who I am today, because not only did it whip a young 13 year old boy into shape, but it taught me a lot about determination and how to work hard to succeed. I am currently on the path to pursue a film and television productions career and I am very excited to learn. I hope that as a part of the Illini 4000 team, I will be able to encourage future students/alumni to ride for a great cause.


I have had relatives of mine succumb to cancer and I saw how it affected my family. It takes a lot out of everyone, and I strongly felt how devastated my mother was when her father passed away from cancer. It can take a long time to recover and I was so young, I did not understand it at the time. I feel like the Illini 4000 does a great job of raising awareness to people of all ages and everyone should acknowledge that cancer affects us all. We as individuals have become so desensitized when it comes to cancer, that we keep a blind eye on it until it is too late. I felt inspired when I came to the Illini 4000 meeting, because I saw my family members that had passed and how amazing it was that these students traveled the whole country for people they had never met and to inspire others. I really appreciated that they did not think about themselves or what else they could be doing that summer, but about the people they are riding for. I am doing this ride hoping not only to educate about the effects of cancer, but to honor those that have succumbed to it and to provide inspiration to those still battling it.