Sarah Halko

Sarah Halko

Hometown: Lemont, Illinois

University: University of Illinois

Major: Political Science


Hi Everyone! My name is Sarah Halko and I am a senior studying political science and history. Originally from the south side of Chicago, I now reside in Lemont, Illinois with my wonderful parents and pet bird, Bubba. My favorite things to do when not studying includes watching "Friends" reruns, eating chocolate chip cookies, listening to Taylor Swift, and daydreaming about winning American Idol. I also love to tap dance, hang out with friends, and spend time with my family. On campus I am involved with the Illinois Student Senate and this semester I am focusing on getting students registered to vote in the upcoming elections. After college, I hope to one day work for the government as a foreign policy adviser, and work in the White House (because that would be pretty great). I would love to give a quick shout out to my wonderful and supportive parents, who told me to always follow my heart and do what I love.


Almost everyone has a "cancer story." Many members of my family and a few close friends were faced with cancer. The suffering they went through was difficult to watch, and to honor their battles I hope to dedicate this ride to them. What truly pains me is to see children battling cancer. I was blessed with a healthy and happy childhood. That time to be a kid is so important and should never be taken away by a terrible disease. Cancer puts strain not only on the physical body, but mental health as well. The pain the team goes through during the ride, both the physical pain of the trek and maintaining the mental capacity to continue, will be nothing compared to the pain cancer patients endure daily. With so many people falling victim to the disease, it is our responsibility to do something about it, and one day eradicate cancer.