Kevin Gibbons

Kevin Gibbons

Hometown: Palatine, Illinois

University: University of Illinois

Major: Psychology, Political Science, and Spanish


Hiya everybody, hope today’s a good one! I’m a graduating senior who’ll have degrees in Spanish, Psychology, and Political Science come May 2017, with a minor in Environmental Science for funsies. I did the ride in 2015, and it was a crazy-awesome enough time that I figured I’d make the once-in-a-lifetime experience and make it a twice-in-a-lifetime one. I laugh easy and devolve into an over-excited four-year-old when puppies are around. I’m big into marathons, triathlons, and pick-up basketball when I’m outside, sci-fi novels, playing music (drumset, guitar), and cold drinks with good friends when I’m not. Excited to get rolling again!I’m known amongst my buddies as the crazy guy who’ll do anything if he thinks it will make a good story, I like to have a good time, push myself hard, laugh harder, eat too much, exercise too much, bend the rules, make mistakes, make friends, and never let a moment slip by. I’m from Palatine, Illinois, my little corner of the Chicago suburbs, I’ve seen a lot of my city, my state, and my country, and I’m excited to see a whole lot more.


I've been mostly spared from close relationships with cancer, though "almost entirely" became "mostly" earlier in 2016. My aunt was diagnosed with stage 4 late in April, and four weeks later, she was gone. The unexpectedness and the suddenness were shocking, especially for someone who's been largely protected from cancer tragedy. I've got a little something extra to ride for this time around. Here's hoping the end of the fight comes sooner than later.