Carrington Watkins

Carrington Watkins

Hometown: Glenview, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Materials Science and Engineering


Hello world! My name is Carrington Watkins and I hail from Glenview, IL, a suburb of Chicago. Growing up, my life has been filled with a loving and supportive family, amazing friends, rigorous classes, volleyball, softball, soccer, and more. I study Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois. I am currently a member of Sigma Kappa Sorority, Honors Student Council, and Engineering Student Alumni Ambassadors. Some of my favorite hobbies are learning new sports, trying new restaurants, reading science fiction and fantasy, watching comedic TV shows, and exploring new places. I love meeting new people and learning about their interests. One of my life goals is to be able to speak 5 languages conversationally. As of now, I can speak English and French very well and am learning German. Mandarin and Russian are currently the next two on my list. I also want to complete all three Spartan Sprint events. Graduating in Spring of 2015 and going to work for Rolls-Royce the following Fall, I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for me.


Everybody knows somebody with cancer, be it a family member, friend, community member, or celebrity. Cancer will strike when you least expect it and breeds only hardship. My motivation to participate in the Illini 4000 is to help eliminate the dread that immediately hits when “you have cancer” comes out of a doctor’s mouth. While I have not seen any family or close friends actively fighting cancer, its impact has spread from a small scare for my best friend’s dad to claiming the sight of a good friend, from nearly killing a friend’s mom to claiming the life of one of my high school peers. Regardless of the outcome, a cancer diagnosis is a nightmare come to life. By raising money to support research and biking across the country to raise awareness, I am working to make a cancer diagnosis no more terrifying than the common cold. While it may seem a lofty goal, given enough funding, time, and effort, it is definitely within reach.