Jaime Ruan

Jaime Ruan

Hometown: Chicago, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Chemical Engineering


My name is Jaime Ruan. I am a sophomore majoring in Chemical Engineering and I am the first generation to attend college. I have three younger sisters that I love so much and I strive to be a good role model to them. My parents are hardworking. They work everyday to pay for my college tuition and to help me pursue my dreams. I am very grateful for this, so I try very hard and put all my effort into completing my goals. University of Illinois is the place where I want to be because the campus consists of diversity, variety of organizations, and different types of friends that I could find here. I am involved with the Society of Women Engineers and Alpha Omega Epsilon to help inspire and raise awareness of women in engineering. I have something called "me time" where I spend time alone in my own world and digress from all the distractions around me. I love to play tennis, spend time with my friends, draw, and do arts and crafts on my leisure time. My friends are my support system and my biggest motivation to success because in difficult times, they will always lend me their hands or their shoulders to lean on.


Cancer affects many people around the world. It is a disease that causes many people to lose their close friends, family members, and beloved ones. I want to dedicate this ride to May who had breast cancer, Brian who has muscle dystrophy, Cee who has heart problems, and everyone who are currently fighting cancer. I want to help with the fight for cancer. Fighting cancer with thousands of people around the world motivates me to ride with Illini 4000 and this will pull people together to help raise awareness for cancer. I want to fulfill my dreams for finding a cure for cancer by helping fundraise for cancer research because I do not want to see another person fall ill to cancer.