Day 7: DuBois PA to Clarion PA

Hi everyone and welcome to day 7! Hard to believe it has already been a whole week since NYC and our first day of riding, but here we are nonetheless. Today was a very short day at only 38 miles but one filled with countless rolling hills and not-quite-satisfying-enough downhills. Despite being short, it was a tough day for a most of the team since a lot of us didn’t quite recover from the previous one. The route was not particularly picturesque today and mostly just ran through small, very rural Pennsylvania towns.

A life-sized Trump statue on someone’s porch O_O

Rick the Patriot

Impromtu rest stop

We got to our stayover early, most groups were there before noon, while our (Veronica, Angela, and me) “What’s the rush” group still made good time at 12:30. We had amazingly satisfying showers at our YMCA stayover and headed out to lunch. Me and Angela found a Chinese buffet nearby and immediately knew where we were going.

The non-Chinese buffet lunch group

And dessert, of course

After lunch, the team enjoyed the rest, some took naps, some decided to run or bike some more (those wild kids). Team activities such as dodgeball and basketball were also present, taking full advantage of the YMCA facilities.

Expecting to see some sick gains from these guys soon
