Day 32: Mitchell SD to Chamberlain SD

Hi everyone! Welcome to day 32 of the epic journey. Today our route was, perhaps unsurprisingly, very similar to the past few days. Thankfully, there was way less traffic on the road compared to the past three days so we even had a chance to chat while riding which always makes time on the bike go by much quicker. We were also lucky today to have some tailwinds which gave us quite a speed boost, so we ended up arriving at our stayover early at about 3 PM.

Accidental supergroup

Cowboy 1

Cowboy 2

Cowboys 3 and 4

New album dropping next month

About a mile before the stayover however, our route took us down a steep hill without any semblance of a paved road. Or just… a road. We ended up walking down the hill instead of biking, and also got to take pictures with some pretty nice views.

For most of the riding, Max kept mentioning the hay bales that can be seen quite often in South Dakota. Eventually, we got the hint and gave him an opportunity for a hay bale photo session. Results - worth the 70 miles of biking.

After getting to our stayover (the South Dakota Hall of Fame because we are just so important) we took showers at a local campground and headed straight to the closest Mexican restaurant up the hill from the Hall of Fame. And by head I mean ran straight up the hill of course.

Huge thanks to Sam’s family for paying for the dinner as a treat for her upcoming Birthday tomorrow!

After dinner, a group of us went to the local festival that happens in Chamberlain every Friday. It was surprisingly lively and surprisingly fun. We got face paintings, played with hula hoops, got desserts form MacDonald’s, and rode horses (not real ones sadly).
