Day 12: Perrysburg OH to Fort Wayne IN - Fifth state and the first 100 mile day

Hi everyone! Welcome to day 12. Today the riders faced their first century - 105 miles of riding in a day. The universe decided to spare me from this achievement as it was my turn to be on van driving duty today again. So, as per last time, I shall describe this day purely in other rider’s pictures.

Selfie #1

Selfie #2

Bryan committing crimes against humanity by eating baby carrots with ketchup

A Sam-sized dog was spotted

Working hard on making their quads big and strong

Food #1

Food #2

As I mentioned in the yesterday’s journal, we will be jumping into Lake Michigan on our Chicago rest day for (as of right now) 90 dollars per person. These donations will be coming from I4K alumni but everyone and anyone is highly encouraged to add to that amount. I will make sure the photo evidence of the epic jump is present and posted on this very website shortly after it happens, so get excited and get donating , friends!
