Day 46: Thermopolis, WY to Riverton, WY-- Unexpected Canyon


I drove the van today! Going south through the Wind River Reservation, Sofie, Sour, Brian, and Gibby had company for about 20 miles as Gibby’s dad is following along for a bit here in Wyoming! Those first 20 miles were incredible as well— we were all caught off guard by the incredible canyon that led us out of Thermopolis. The road took one side of the canyon, old train tracks on the other, and between them was the gorgeous Bighorn River. We also got to bike through a couple of tunnels and up and down some decent hills before things flattened out again as we left the reservation.


The wind was channeled through the canyon, and gave the riders some resistance. Sofie also noted that while biking, because of the angles of the displaced rock, it was hard to see if the road was going uphill or downhill— but your legs could tell! The first rest stop partially overlooked the dam and beach nearby (which also had an algae bloom warning, so we did not go there).

First rest stop

First rest stop

The algae bloom dam

The algae bloom dam

Our lunch stop was at an abandoned corner store, and we had PB&Js like usual and some delicious, delicious shade. Gibby got Claire P. a “Solar Powered Moose Bobble Head From Wyoming” in honor of the various moose friends she has had/seen over this trip! One group met Illini alum at a gas station who graduated in the 70’s and now stay in the Grand Tetons— we’re everywhere!

Bruce the Moose

Bruce the Moose

Temperatures will be rising quickly the next few days, but we will also be gaining elevation. Hopefully that will help cancel the hot air out, and we won’t be getting too roasted as we head closer and closer to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone!

— Marielle

Ignore the dashboard bread

Ignore the dashboard bread

Not sick of watermelon yet

Not sick of watermelon yet

Not sick of watermelon, either!

Not sick of watermelon, either!

Very large (not fresh) paw print, guessing it’s from a mountain lion!

Very large (not fresh) paw print, guessing it’s from a mountain lion!

Willard saw a ghost

Willard saw a ghost