Day 38: Pierre, SD to Kadoka, SD-- It's nice out here

Kate, Sofie, and Maya atop our largest climb of the day

Kate, Sofie, and Maya atop our largest climb of the day

97 miles and 4,000 feet of climbing! Today’s geography met our expectations from South Dakota: endless low hills and prairie. The empty-ness of this land really is quite beautiful. Perhaps it’s the tree-less and unobstructed view of the horizon, or the slight elevation gain— or maybe just the fact that it’s a another state, unfamiliar and thus exciting. Whatever reason, the scenery energized us and we finished the almost-century around 3 pm Central time, or 2 pm Mountain Daylight time. Yep! We changed timezones today! The perfect day for a long ride.

Claire N., Ellie, Cam, Rahul, and Willard also atop the largest climb of the day

Claire N., Ellie, Cam, Rahul, and Willard also atop the largest climb of the day

Wildlife in the great plains greeted us quite closely today. Mule deer pranced through the fields and we even had a white tailed deer leap across the road in front of us and run alongside at our pace! Also keeping us company were the looming clouds of a storm coming our direction on mighty crosswinds. But for the most part we didn’t get too wet, and the distant rain made our photos quite interesting and dynamic.

Impending doom! Cam is unprepared!

Impending doom! Cam is unprepared!

The storm approaches

The storm approaches

Abandoned towns were scattered along 83 and 248 (both well-maintained and incredibly low-traffic, perfect!) and we saw some interesting things on the side of the road, like giant metal scrap sculptures, a replica T-rex skeleton, and a really buff bull advertising BBQ.



We showered at the local pool and spent the rest of the evening doing what we do best— no, not biking. Relaxing! Tomorrow is a big day and we need to be ready to explore WALL DRUG! The day has finally arrived! We’re headed to Wall, SD! Free ice water, 5 cent coffee, donuts, and more, here we come! (Not an advertisement.) Also, expect a lot of scenery photos tomorrow as we enter the Badlands National Park! Aah! So exciting!

— Marielle

Crossing the Missouri River

Crossing the Missouri River

Cam, Ellie, Willard, Claire N.

Cam, Ellie, Willard, Claire N.

Brian and Jacob, eyeing another storm headed away from us

Brian and Jacob, eyeing another storm headed away from us

I love seeing defined cloud shadows on the plains

I love seeing defined cloud shadows on the plains

Snack break with Brian and Maya

Snack break with Brian and Maya

Rahul and his jersey pocket bagel half

Rahul and his jersey pocket bagel half

Approaching the top! I promise I was having a much better time than it seems

Approaching the top! I promise I was having a much better time than it seems



Brian can’t believe his eyes

Brian can’t believe his eyes

Proud of ourselves!

Proud of ourselves!

We love cows!

We love cows!

Lunch with Willy and Cam

Lunch with Willy and Cam

Sour, Aadi, Claire P., Claire N., Andy, Bang, Ryan (and Gibby). Six of these are the semi-resident van clan <3

Sour, Aadi, Claire P., Claire N., Andy, Bang, Ryan (and Gibby). Six of these are the semi-resident van clan <3

Gibby, Bang, Andy, Aadi. The four coolest guys in this ride group, hands down! (Too soon?)

Gibby, Bang, Andy, Aadi. The four coolest guys in this ride group, hands down! (Too soon?)

Cute cow painting is justification for a stop

Cute cow painting is justification for a stop

You snooze, you win.

You snooze, you win.

What’s cooler than being cool?

What’s cooler than being cool?