Matthew Walowski

Matthew Walowski

Hometown: Gurnee, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Computer Science


Hey, my name is Matthew Walowski and I’m a junior studying computer science at the University of Illinois. In my free time I’m usually working out, cooking, baking, playing the guitar, or doing personal coding projects. I love to eat, so I'm always trying new restaurants/cafes with friends. I’m also a tech lead for a student org called Hack4Impact where I work to build software for nonprofits. I’m always looking for a way to take my passions and do something meaningful. That’s why I’m looking forward to being a part of this year’s team!


Cancer affects far more people than those diagnosed with it. I’ve had friends whose parents or grandparents were diagnosed with cancer. I’ve seen how much of a horrible impact it’s had on their lives. Nothing’s worse than watching a close friend bear the emotional burden of having a parent with cancer. In the past, I felt like I couldn’t do anything to help. That’s why I’m looking forward to finally taking action against this issue with I4K. I’m particularly excited about supporting organizations that focus on the families of cancer patients, such as Camp Kesem. My ride isn’t just for those with cancer, but their friends and families as well.