Marie Hubbard

Marie Hubbard

Hometown: St. Charles, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Civil & Environmental Engineering


Hi everyone! My name is Marie Hubbard and I’ll be one of the ride leaders in 2022. I’m a senior studying civil and environmental engineering with a minor in Technology and Management. On campus, I’m involved in the club lacrosse team, Theta Tau Professional Engineering Fraternity, and Illini 4000 of course! Outside of school I love anything outdoors, and I’m excited to be riding this summer!


Shortly after my first ride, my uncle Clay passed away from esophageal cancer and I am proud to be able to ride again to honor his memory. I ride in honor of all of my friends and family who have been affected by cancer, all of my 2019 teammates, and all of the past board members I have had the pleasure of working with who have helped make Illini 4000 an integral part of my college career. The people I’ve met through this organization have inspired me to ride this year in hopes that I can help this team have the same experience I had.