Willard Sullivan


Willard Sullivan

Hometown: Gaithersburg, Maryland

University: University of Illinois

Major: Electrical Engineering


What’s going on - you might remember me from the 2020 team! My name is Willard Sullivan, and I am a Sophomore in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois. As I was born and raised in the Washington D.C. Metro area, I am used to safety of suburbia Maryland but also have had my fair share of interesting D.C. excursions. While being so far away from home is hard sometimes, I consider UIUC my second home – I feel right at home with I4K and the Illini Solar Car team, where I can be found messing around (or sometimes doing work) with my teammates. Along with engineering, I am passionate in aerospace and model rocketry, collecting NASA related or weird things, building stuff, and biking with my friends. I am excited to see and learn/connect with the people from parts of America that I have never seen before!


I want this trip to serve as a catalyst that will inspire others to join the fight against cancer and other diseases that either lack a cure or proper research. Between 2019 and 2020, I have lost 3 grandparents, one of which from a valiant battle with Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer), and another from Coronavirus, each of whom had a great impact to my life. Each of my lost grandparents inspired me in a different way – my grandmother, Patricia, inspired me to follow my dreams; my grandfather, David, encouraged learning as much as possible; and my other grandfather, Jack, imprinted a great sense of adventure within me. I miss them very much, and with this ride, I want to honor their lives and the lives of those who must battle these diseases, and I want to inspire others to give back and dedicate themselves to a good cause. I am excited for the opportunity that the Illini 4000 has given me so that I can motivate and educate others to join the fight against cancer and other diseases.