Marielle Asensio


Marielle Asensio

Hometown: Lisle, Illinois

University: University of Iowa

Major: English & Creative Writing


Howdy! My name is Marielle, and I'm majoring in English & Creative writing, while additionally studying fine art and environmental sustainability at the University of Iowa. I'm all about the great outdoors and creativity—my camping gear always includes a journal! But if I’m not hiking, writing, or drawing, you can find me playing Super Smash Bros.

Thanks to my family, I’ve been on a handful of wonderful bike trips. Most recently, in 2019, my brother and I spent six weeks bike-packing around France, through the Alps, and then into Italy! A mountain takes hours to bike up and only minutes to go down, but it’s worth every pedal :)

I’m looking forward to making a difference with the I4K team on this journey-- thanks for stopping by!


My ride is dedicated to my mom and the people who, like her, share life through compassion and empathy. I hope that my efforts in the Portraits Project and the resources collected help lighten the weight that cancer carries. To all affected, from New York to San Francisco, from my heart to yours.