Lauren Sargeant

Lauren Sargeant

Hometown: Park Ridge, Illinois

University: University of Illinois

Major: Bioengineering


Hi there! My name is Lauren and I am from Park Ridge, Illinois. This year I am a senior studying Bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I’ve had an amazing college experience here -- having had the opportunity to dabble with undergraduate research, Engineers Without Borders, and 5 (yes, 5!) different study abroad programs, I’ve been able to grow tremendously as a person and fit a lifetime of learning into the last 4 years. After the ride I’ll have to accept my entrance into the “real world”, so hopefully I’ll have a job. In a few years, I plan to return to graduate school to to pursue a Master’s in Public Health in preparation for a career in global health and international development. My hobbies include traveling to faraway places, binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy, and singing along to all songs from The Lion King. I’ve been to 32 countries on 4 continents, watched every episode of Grey’s Anatomy twice, and even started learning Swahili. Despite popular opinions, I prefer cats over dogs and I prepare PB&J with a knife instead of a spoon -- apparently that one is a serious controversy in Illini 4000. Regardless, I am excited to be a part of Illini 4000 and the 2018 Bike America Team!


I have volunteered at a hospital in my hometown and was an ambassador for the American Cancer Society. Over the last 4 years, I have been a part of the Cancer Scholars Program which has allowed me to work in a research lab studying the development of lung and liver cancers. I’ve seen many facets of cancer; I’ve had family members battle cancer and I know of friends, neighbors, and teachers who have done the same. I’ve seen cancer affect so many people -- everyone has a story. With this ride, and the support of my friends and family and teammates, we can raise money for cancer research and make strides towards finding a cure, spreading awareness, and creating a network of patients, caregivers, families, friends, and survivors in the fight for a world without cancer.