Elias Martin

Elias Martin

Hometown: Plainfield, Illinois

University: University of Illinois

Major: DGS


Hello! My name is Elias Martin and I am a freshman at the University of Illinois. I’m technically undeclared but I plan on majoring in computer science. I grew up in Plainfield, Illinois which has a lot of corn. I love to read and spend time with friends and family I never really got involved a whole lot in high school and wanted to change that come college, so when I heard about the Illini 4000 and what they do to help the fight against cancer, I knew I had to be a part of that. I'm super excited to bike across the country and be able to see it with new perspectives.


I have been fortunate enough to have never been affected by cancer directly, however I have seen the affects it has had on my friends and their families and it is heart breaking. Any opportunity to help those suffering should be taken and the Illini 4000 offer just that. I want to spread awareness of how this awful disease affects families and friends and individuals to show that they're not alone and that there is hope. Most importantly, we have the ability to contribute to the research that will hopefully one day bring about the end of cancer and I look forward to giving as much aid to this cause as I possibly can.