Shuchen Zhang

Shuchen Zhang

Hometown: Nanjing, China

University: University of Illinois

Major: Computer Engineering


Hi! Thank you for visiting my profile! My name is Shuchen Zhang. I’m a sophomore studying Computer Engineering here at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. I was born and raised in Nanjing, a beautiful city in China surrounded by mountains and Yangtze River. During my free time, I like photography, water-painting, singing and dancing. I love outdoor activities too, such as skiing and hiking. Traveling is my all-time favorite.I enjoy exploring new places, interacting with people there and hearing their stories. I treasure every person I encounter in my life. I wish I could backpack around the world someday because the world we live in is such a wonderful place. I’m so grateful to have this opportunity to cycle across America, make a contribution to the cancer community while viewing the best scenery along the way.


I’m so fortunate that none of my close relatives and friends are diagnosed cancer. But I’ve heard of so many heart-breaking stories about people losing their loved ones. There are millions of cancer victims slowly and painfully consumed by cancer for months and years.The battle between human beings and cancer diseases lasted for centuries and scientists are still striving hard to find the best solution to kill cancer. I hope to do as much as I can to support both cancer patients and cancer research. I believe that the best encouragement and inspirations to people come from the stories of people. I’m looking forward to record the stories from people we meet along the way from east coast to west coast and to help build the network which connects people both directly or indirectly affected by cancer. Obstacles are many, for us riders, for cancer patients and for the researchers, but we could get through the hard time if we hold our hands together. We need your support and we appreciate every contribution you make!