Mofei Wang

Mofei Wang

Hometown: Beijing, China

University: University of Illinois

Major: Mathematics


Hello, I appreciate your interest in me! My name is Mofei Wang. I am from Beijing, China, and this is my first year in the United States. I am a speedskater! I started inline skating at around six, the feeling of great speed fascinated me. I have articipated in many national competitions around China. The experience of extreme sports motivated me to train harder and enjoy challenges. I believe that exploring the world by bike is a great challenge and will become one of the best memory in my life. So I decided to become a member of Illini 4000 when I first heard about it. I hope you can support me!


My grandpa's brother died of leukemia at the age of 60. When he diagnosed, the doctors didn't think he could reach age 30; however, he lived 30 more years. But I could see how he fight against the painful of cancer. Another experience I had about cancer is one of the students in my high school. I didn't know much about her. At the end of second semester in high school, we were told that she had already left us because of cancer. I was shocked and realize that life could be short and unpredictable. I hope my effort can save more people that struggle with cancer.