Alison DeBruyn

Alison DeBruyn

Hometown: Frankfort, Illinois

University: University of Illinois

Major: Business


Hi! My name is Alison DeBruyn and I am a freshman in the College of Business at the University of Illinois. I am from Frankfort, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. My favorite hobbies include baking, cooking, running (or exercising in general), playing the flute, and traveling. I love creating and tasting new recipes, especially dessert recipes! In the past I competed in Commercial Baking Competitions and my highest ranking was second in the state of Illinois. So if you ever have a recipe you want to share or a treat that needs tasting, I am happy to help. Currently, on campus I am a member of the Marketing Committee in the Society of Women in Business, the Illini Get Fit Club, and the cooking club, Sweet & Spicy. I love being busy with activities that lead to new experiences and knowledge; and most of all activities that I enjoy. When I am not doing one of these activities, I am either hanging out with friends, spending time with my family, or watching my favorite TV shows (Cake Boss and The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise).


Sadly, cancer has been a prevailing occurrence in my family, specifically in regards to my grandparents. Both my grandpa and grandma were diagnosed with skin cancer, while my other grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer 12 years ago. I remember as a child seeing my grandpa have bandages all over his head, face, and arms from cancerous spots being removed. This was a continuous procedure his entire life; however, my grandma has been symptom free of breast cancer for several years now. I realize that there are many families that face the hardships cancer brings every day of their lives. I desire to be involved with the fight against cancer because I want to make cancer a rarity rather than a frequent occurrence. I want to bring awareness to the fact that cancer is still not cured and requires further research. Personally, one of the saddest things to see is a sick child. I was fortunate enough to have a healthy childhood with many opportunities present. By participating in the Illini 4000, I want to give children with cancer a childhood of fun, friends, and happiness, rather than lots of hospital visits and treatments. With this said, the time I put in to bike 4000 miles and fundraise is nothing in comparison to the time taken away from cancer patients. Thus, participating in the fight against cancer may only take a small amount of time; however, it can help give back days of life to cancer patients.