Zack Zlevor

Zack Zlevor

Hometown: La Grange Park, Illinois

University: University of Illinois

Major: Industrial Design


Hello! My name is Zack Zlevor and I am currently a Senior at U of I. After completing my ride with the Illini4000 back in 2015, I am back for more! Along with Tyler Levy, I am a co-ride leader for this years team. Having done the ride before, I am excited to help the team reach their final destination while interacting with the many communities we reach along the way. A little about me: I was born in Lagrange Park, Illinois just close enough to Chicago to be able to visit the numerous parks and museums, which definitely sparked my interest in the arts. My major, Industrial Design, allows me to design products that are both pleasing to the eye, and pleasing to the environment, both of which are very important to me. The arts have always been a key part of my life, but I never would have guessed how physically active I would become at school. Freshman year I completed my first half-marathon alongside my roommate, and since then my hobbies have shifted to cycling. To me, the Illini 4000 combines everything that is important to me. The experience has changed my life, and I hope to bring the successes of my ride to the 2017 team.


Throughout my life many of my family and friends have been affected by some form of Cancer. While we are all from different backgrounds and lead different lives, its absolutely striking how cancer effects all of us. It is truly relentless, and important that everyone realizes that others have gone through the same experiences, and will always be there to help you if you need it. While it is an absolutely terrible disease, I believe that if we are able to talk about its hardships, we can work together to help those affected. I will never forget the day that my best friends brother lost the fight. My friend was such a happy kid, and after that day he changed. While it was an awful experience, it was beautiful to see the support that arose from within the community. Riding for the Illini 4000 gives me the opportunity to be the support system that I witnessed so many years ago, and show others that people are always there for you.