Eric Baehr

Eric Baehr

Hometown: Gurnee, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Chemistry and Dietetics


Hi there! My name is Eric Baehr, currently a senior studying Dietetics and Chemistry at The University of Illinois. I began my freshman year studying piano performance at The University of Iowa, but decided to come back to my old stomping grounds in Illinois to start my sophomore year in Champaign-Urbana. When I'm not too busy with schoolwork and whatnot, I like to bike, play tennis, golf, and be outside whenever I can. I’ve played piano since I was six, and although I transferred out of the music program I still love playing any chance I get. Music has always been large part of my life, and I love being able to share it with others. In addition to making music, I hope to use my degree in Dietetics and Chemistry to either do research or work in pediatrics as a clinical dietitian. I can't wait to begin this life-changing experience with an amazing group of people who all joined for the same reason: To make a stand against cancer in the most epic way possible!


It’s one thing to just throw money into cancer research and support, but what an amazing way to raise awareness and document (The Portraits Project) how cancer really affects people. I think it’s a really inspirational thing for someone with cancer to see a group of students pedaling their way across America, devoting their time to take a stand against cancer in such a unique and awesome way. Luckily I haven't had to experience cancer in my immediate family, but I know full well how devastating a disease it can be. A friend of mine from marching band at The University of Iowa my freshman year had to experience cancer firsthand. Seeing a healthy girl the same age as me missing such a large part of her college experience and life because of cancer really opened my eyes to how serious the disease is. I look forward to starting this journey, fundraising for cancer research and support, and joining a team of amazing people cross-country this summer.