Matt Cannella

Matt Cannella

Hometown: Chicago, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Natural Resource and Environmental Studies


Hey there! My name is Matthew Cannella and I am a junior studying Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences with a concentration in Resource Conservation and Restoration Ecology. I grew up in the great city of Chicago with my parents and older brother. Even through I grew up a big city, I've always loved the outdoors. I love getting outside and going camping, hiking, kayaking, and of course cycling. I even plan on making the outdoors my career by maintaining and managing natural landscapes. As you can imagine, I am beyond excited for this summer's ride and being able to do my part in the fight against cancer will make this trip truly unforgettable!


Many people in my family have been diagnosed with cancer, but they were all lucky enough to come out on top. However, my girlfriend lost her father to brain cancer at a very young age, and seeing the effect that cancer has on everyone involved, it has truly impacted my life. Cancer can affect anyone, at anytime. It doesn't matter if you are young or old, rich or poor, cancer does not discriminate. Myself and the Illini 4000 aim to prevent the hardship and tragedy caused by cancer, dollar by dollar and mile by mile.