Madeline Schuh

Madeline Schuh

Hometown: Champaign, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Civil and Environmental Engineering


Hi my name is Madeline Schuh. I am from Champaign, and I am a senior in Civil Engineering, studying construction management and sustainable and resilient infrastructure. I just started a new job this semester doing energy analysis of buildings and absolutely love it. This is really exciting for me since I now can see that what I want to do actually has a field and many options. As a kid I always loved being outside and almost all of my memories of childhood involve camping trips and playing outside. This love of the outdoors was furthered though an outdoor adventure club I participated in throughout high school. These experiences made my decision to work at an adventure camp in New Mexico an easy one. It turned out to be one of the best summers I have had, and I absolutely loved waking up each day to look out my tent and only see mountains. I loved that each day was new and had a different challenge that I had to overcome or figure out.


My first experience with cancer came when I was about 10. We found out that my grandfather , who was a life-long smoker, had terminal cancer and was being hospitalized. He actually refused treatment and did not tell anyone about the cancer until a few weeks before his death. At the time, I did not really understand what his death would mean for me as I grew up. Now, I am beginning to understand that not only will I never hear his stories and know him, but there is a part of my mom that I will never know. The second time I was my freshman year of college when a high school friend was diagnosed. Luckily treatment was successful and he is doing well, but the emotional and physical tool it took on his family and friends showed me how cancer devastating cancer is. I want to ride so that one day scientists will find a cure and people will not have to make the choice between painful, long treatment and quality of life. So that people know that they are not alone in their fight,and to inspire people to continue to hope and spread their story to help inspire others. Cancer does not discriminate and affects everyone, but hopefully this ride will inspire people to keep going and unite us in a common cause.