Jordan Orr

Jordan Orr

Hometown: Reddick, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Kinesiology


My name is Jordan Orr, and I’m a senior majoring in Kinesiology and minoring in Chemistry. After undergrad, I plan to go on to medical school. I’m not exactly sure what kind of medicine I want to practice, but as of now sports medicine and pediatrics interest me. Back home, I live on a farm with my mom, dad, younger brother, and younger sister. I also have an older brother who lives in Seattle. In my free time, I enjoy running and spending time with friends and family. I am very competitive person; I love any kind of game- cards, board games, or sports. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, so I’m extremely excited to get the chance to be a nomad for a summer with the Illini 4000!


At one point or another, everyone is going to be affected by cancer in some way. My first run-in with cancer came in fifth grade when my grandma was diagnosed. It was challenging to understand why she was suddenly sick but reassuring to see her strength and faith until she passed away two years later. Since then, I've had more encounters with cancer and realize the best way to fight it is by raising money and awareness. I want to ride in remembrance of those who have fought cancer, in honor of those currently battling cancer, and in hope to help prevent future cancer cases.