Krish Mehta

Krish Mehta

Hometown: Farmington Hills, Michigan

University: University of Illinois

Major: Economics


Growing up in New Delhi, India and Farmington Hills, Michigan opened a door of vast opportunity and experience for me. I graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a B.A. in Economics. Since graduation, I worked in a healthcare consulting company in Nashville, Tennessee and now in the pharmacy benefits management industry in Northbrook, Illinois. This will be my first bike ride across the country and I can't wait!!!


The fight against cancer is an ongoing effort, and we all know someone who has been affected by this terrible disease. Next summer I'll be fighting cancer by biking from New York to San Francisco. I am dedicating my journey to the family and friends who have endured the battle against cancer, each one of them having affected my outlook on life. Through the experiences of those who have survived cancer, I found the strength to deal with and overcome Hodgkin's lymphoma. I hope that many more cancer survivors will join us in the following years in our effort to raise money for cancer research.