Amanda Lundgren

Amanda Lundgren

Hometown: Southport, NC

University: University of Illinois

Major: Political Science and Anthropology


Monterey, California my birthplace- Urbana, Illinois my current residence; everything else in between is just a long story! I’m what is affectionately termed an “Army-Brat.” The entirety of my childhood existence can be defined by one word: moving. I have a host of blurred memories involving brief stays in nine states and three other countries. I ended up in Illinois quite by chance in an impulsive act to follow my parents to a southern Illinois suburb of St. Louis, where I then decided to apply to the University of Illinois. Now on the brink of graduation I can say without a doubt that U of I is the best decision I have ever made- great university, great people, great town(s), and most of all, great experience! As for my decision to apply for Illini 4k, it was initially driven by everyday occurrences here and abroad that have shaped my reflections of the United States. The greatest aspect of America is her diversity, and even at the most frustrating times of political stillness and disagreement, it is our diversity that makes us great. I’m looking forward to becoming even closer with the people and places of this country by seeing it in a complete different way, and I’m looking even more forward to spreading awareness about these people and places that suffer from cancer and contribute to the more than $150,000 Illini 4000 will earn for the cause.


Cancer is a disease that comes in multiple forms and is caused by numerous entities. From our grandparents to our children, cancer can happen at any moment with no explanation. It affects every family and community, and in its occurrence, must be weighed heavily in our compassion regardless of the situation. The devastation of cancer is so profound, but it is a reminder that all of humanity shares in many of the same sufferings, and it really brings out what I think is the most powerful human emotion: sympathy. It is really through sympathy that diseases like cancer can be healed, or ever eradicated. It’s sad that people have to suffer through something like cancer, but it is really inspiring that there are organizations that react through sympathy to help people. I really look forward to having, if only for the briefest moment, a genuine glimpse into the lives and experiences of others as my team and I make our way across this wondrous country. I would like to dedicate my ride to veterans whose lives have become increasingly affected by cancer.