Sean Madison

Sean Madison

Hometown: Mundelein, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Urban and Regional Planning


I am Sean Madison and I am a sophomore studying Urban and Regional planning while pursuing minors in both Business and Landscape Studies. I am from many places since my family and I have moved many times over the year. Although I lived in Cincinnati, Ohio and Park Ridge, Illinois, I would say that my hometown is Mundelein, Illinois, a northwest suburb of Chicago. Probably the most important thing to know about me is that I hail from a family of twelve children. Because of this particular upbringing, my family is without a doubt the strongest force working on my behalf. It's been a rough ride at times, but I feel like all the life experience that growing up in such a large family environment has made me the person I am today. I have always been an active person. In high school I was very involved in athletics, playing both football and Track and Field, and various other student activities. Ever since my oldest brother Larry (class of '05) went to Illinois, I knew this was the only school I ever wanted to attend. Upon coming to campus, I knew I wanted to be involved as much as I was in high school. I became a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, Illinois Eta Chapter where I serve as Recruitment, Social, and Philanthropy Chairmen. I work two jobs to help pay for my tuition on top of my scholarships and financial aid; one with Campus Recreation and another at Kam's, a local bar. I am happy to add the Illini 4000 for Cancer to a list of my activities. I have wanted to pick up cycling as a hobby ever since I saw Lance Armstrong make history at the Tour de France as a child. I look forward to represent all of those fighting cancer and all of those supporting me in my journey. I won't let you down!


Cancer affects us all. In my life alone, I have had many experiences with C-word. I have lost relatives and close family friends. One in particular really opened my eyes to the humbling reality that is cancer. My eldest brother was diagnosed with cancer in his right eye and had to have his whole eye promptly removed. Though they caught it early enough, they were able to save him from any other more dangerous outcomes. Instances like this are happening every day in our world, and it affects everyone around the situation, not just the victims themselves. With modern technology we can fight this enemy and eventually defeat it. We simply need to prioritize cancer research and realize that the answer is not as far as people think. I believe we can do it and I am willing to raise the money and to ride 4,500 miles and dedicate 72 days of my life to show it.