Dory Quinlan

Dory Quinlan

Hometown: Mahomet, IL

University: University of Illinois

Major: Community Health


Hello! My name is Dorothy Margaret Quinlan, known to most of my friends as Dory. I am very excited to be a member of this year’s Illini 4000 team! Growing up as the youngest of four sisters, I’ve been blessed with a loving, encouraging family. In high school I enjoyed running track and cross country. Before starting college I spent a year living and volunteering in California at Bosch Baha'i School. Here at the U of I, I’m finishing up my senior year as a Community Health major, a program I was first attracted to because of its world-wide applicability. Living and working internationally has always been a goal of mine. I was fortunate to study and intern in India last year, which was an amazing experience that increased my interest in health issues in my own community. When I’m not studying, I enjoy watching quirky movies, eating homemade food, rock climbing with friends, and sitting on boats. More than anything, I am excited to be a part of this team and am looking forward to training as a group!


Many of my family members have had encounters with cancer: both of my grandmothers have struggled with breast cancer, my Grandpa Quinlan had skin cancer, and my mother’s sister passed away from leukemia at a young age. Nonetheless, I often feel very removed from their experiences. Through the work and projects of Illini 4000, I hope to educate myself and gain a personal understanding of what it means to fight cancer. As a scientific phenomenon, I find cancer fascinating and am eager to learn more about it. I look forward to the educational journey that awaits me as I learn more about this disease. I know that being on the Illini 4000 team will change my life, and I hope to pass on what I learn to others.