Sandra Moxely

Sandra Moxely

Hometown: Oneonta, NY

University: SUNY Oneonta

Major: Mass Communication


Hi, my name is Sandra and I'm from Oneonta, NY. I'm a dreamer who loves the outdoors, summer, photography/design, and sports. After high school I attended SUNY-Oneonta where I pitched for their collegiate softball team and graduated in 2004 with a degree in Mass Communication. I'm currently employed at SUNY-Oneonta as the Associate Director of Sports Information. I don't know what I want to do with my life but dream of someday returning to school to pursue a master's degree in Photo Journalism or Design. Distance biking is something that's rather new to me something I fell in love with after completing a 46 mile local charity ride on the whim two years ago. I'm doing this ride in honor of those who have been taken or touched by cancer in hopes that one day cancer will be beatable for good!


Through the Illini 4000 I hope to be able to help others and make a difference while doing something I love to do and raising money for two excellent causes.