Illini 4000

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Jeff Reardon


Hey, I am currently a Junior at the University of Illinois studying in the department of Applied Health Sciences. I am working toward a degree in Kinesiology. Where I'm from? That's always a complicated question to answer. Basically, I am from a military family and grew up in a lot of places. About two and a half years ago I moved from Heidelberg, Germany where I lived for eight years. It was the greatest experience of my life, because I saw so much of the world and was exposed to many cultures. I currently live in Fredericksburg, VA. Some of my hobbies and activities I do are training/weight training, soccer, rock climbing, parkour, cycling, running, anything really outside. One of the reasons I decided to join the Illini 4000 is because of the huge challenge, and I am always up for pushing my self to new limits. I like traveling and exploring new things. At the University of Illinois, I am also a 3rd year Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadet, and I will be a commissioned officer upon finishing my degree in May 2011. I found out about the Illini 4000 through some friends, and through campus advertisments. What really interested me into it was the amazing journey across the United States on a bicycle, and that people did such a thing in order to help millions of others struggle with cancer. Knowing that this was my last summer I would be able to do something this great, I decided I wanted to do it. I've never really been a part of anything like this, and I have always wanted to do something that I know is helping a lot of people. Also, I have yet to see much of the country I'm from and I would see this as a great opportunity to do so.


Cancer affects everyone, even if you personally do not have it. I fight against cancer, because I know what I am doing is making the difference, no matter what size. Everyone against cancer, even if it is an unwinning battle, unites people and the benefits of that are unmatched.